Bathrooms can be challenging rooms to clean. Let’s talk about five bad bathroom cleaning habits worth scrubbing out of your life.
Not cleaning what cleans you
Your shower does a lot. Let’s give it some credit! But it isn’t a miracle worker. It cleans you, but it relies on you to clean it. You can spend hours sweating as you try to scrub the walls every few months, or you can take the easier, faster route. After every shower (or, at least, every few) wipe down the walls. Bam! Soap scum is no match for your proactivity.
Another hot tip for keeping your shower clean is even easier. Close your shower curtain. No, really, that’s it. Closing the curtain allows all its folds easier access to air, helping it dry quicker and avoiding mildew growth.
And speaking of your shower curtain, when was the last time you cleaned it? Or your liner, for that matter? Don’t panic! Most curtains and liners can go through the washing machine on a gentle cycle, so it’s an easy fix.

Treading on towels
When you start your bathroom cleanup, do you begin by picking towels up off the floor? Then you’re doing it wrong. You might think the list of bad bathroom cleaning habits only pertains to, well, cleaning. But how you keep your bathroom clean is important, too. Leaving towels wadded up on the floor prevents them from drying, potentially leaving you with mildew growth.
If you’re short on hanging space, that’s another easy fix. When you do your next big bathroom clean, add ten extra minutes to place peel-and-stick hooks on your wall or door. We’re not talking cheap-looking plastic ones, either. They come in modern designs and pretty finishes so you can get the hook-age you need without ruining your bathroom’s design.
Working with one disinfectant wipe
If you use disinfectant wipes to clean the bathroom, good on you. They’re easy to grab, ensure you’ve got the right amount of disinfectant to deal with your bathroom’s bacteria, and can simply be tossed in the trash when you’re done. And let us preface this next tip with a little disclaimer: we’re all about reducing waste. That said, your bathroom clean isn’t a place to skimp. When you use one disinfectant wipe for the entire bathroom, you can transfer bacteria. That one little square just can’t do it all!
Want to be sure you’re using the right amount of wipes? If your wipe is still wet enough to leave the surface damp for a few minutes after cleaning, it’s still got enough disinfectant in it to do the job. If not, it’s time for a new square.

Not readying rugs
Do you have a plush bathroom rug ready to greet you when you step out of the shower? This is a little luxury you shouldn’t skip. When you drip water on the floor, it can stain the tile, cause wood to warp, ruin grout – you get the idea. Water + flooring = not good. Invest in bathroom rugs to protect your floors and make your cleaning job easier.
Then, every time you start cleaning your bathroom, throw those bad boys in the wash. Plus, did know that flushing your toilet with the lid up can spread small particles across your bathroom? Yeah, maybe give those rugs a double wash.
Not cleaning completely
When you think about bad bathroom cleaning habits, your mind probably immediately goes to how you scrub your toilet or disinfect your counter. But everything in your bathroom needs to be cleaned, not just the usual suspects.
When you’re cleaning, wipe the handles of toothbrushes and makeup brushes. If you have a hand soap dispenser, wipe that down, too. Keep that train rolling. Stand in the middle of your bathroom and slowly spin all the way around. Look for anything that is regularly getting touched. If it is, it needs to be regularly cleaned, too.
Do any of these bad bathroom cleaning habits sound familiar? Yeah, we can’t imagine either… we wish! We’ve got a lot to learn, so we’ll be joining you to tidy up the way we tidy up so we can all enjoy cleaner, healthier homes, and apartments!
Don’t worry, you don’t have to clean your own bathroom. We can help! Book the best maid service Dallas has to offer at or by calling 214-438-4804.
This post was reposted from freshome.