How to Clean Your House Quickly and Effectively

Apartment Cleaning Dallas

If you are running out of things to do during this time of lockdown and self-isolation, why not tackle the task of cleaning your apartment or house? Before starting your cleaning campaign, you’ll need to have your cleaning supplies.

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Top Cleaning Advice for Dallas Seniors

Dallas Maid Service Senior Cleaning

When you are a senior, cleaning can be a very demanding task. All those health issues and a possibly low energy level can sometimes make seniors neglect the necessity to face the problem and get down to organizing a thorough cleaning of their homes.

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How to Stay Focused While Working From Home

Dallas Maid Services

With everything going on in the world, it’s easy to become distracted. If you are now working from home, you still need to be productive and get your job done. Luckily, it times of uncertainty, accomplishing tasks can give you a feeling of control and normalcy.

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How to Make Cooking at Home Easier

Cooking maid service in Dallas

You may be cooking for yourself now more than ever before. The option to dash into your favorite restaurant simply isn’t an option right now. Since you are spending more time at home, it is the perfect time to get reacquainted with your kitchen and use appliances beyond just the microwave.

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How to Deep Clean Your Closet Easily

Closet Dallas Maid Service

Deep cleaning your closet is something that should be done on at least an annual basis. It’s easy to have an overcrowded closet when we are keep buying new clothes without getting rid of what we already have.

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5 “Someday” Tasks To Do This Weekend

Journaling Maids in Dallas

Have you finished all of Netflix and are looking something to do this weekend that doesn’t involve deep cleaning your house? Now is the perfect time do complete the tasks that you have been putting off until “someday.” Guess what? That day has arrived!

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4 Ways to Use Social Isolation to Your Advantage

Dallas Maid Service

The new normal of staying home can actually be used to your advantage. This can actually be a time to reduce stress in these high anxiety times. You can reset your hardwired messages of the best ways to spend your time and money. Here are a few ways to reset during this time.

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Post-relocation cleaning guidelines

Maid Service Dallas

A new house or a new apartment is an exciting new opportunity in life. Just imagine all the wonderful things that await in your new place and you shouldn’t have a problem feeling excitement, as opposed to stress!

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Clean and Deodorizing Your Home Before Selling

Valet Maids Living Room

There’s nothing like a bad odor to turn off buyers the moment they walk in your door. And yet, it’s surprising how many sellers neglect to properly clean and deodorize their home before welcoming their first prospective buyer.

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5 Awful areas our clients hate cleaning

Maid Service Dallas Bathroom

We recently did a short survey with some of our long-time clients in the Dallas area and asked for their feedback on which areas they hated cleaning the most. If you have your own pet-peeve of chores that you utterly despises, you won’t be surprised by the answers we got. Below are the results of our survey, listed from bad to worse!

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How to Clean Your Baseboards Easily

Cleaning Baseboards

It’s easy to overlook the baseboards when cleaning your home. They may even be something in your home that you barely notice. Even if you don’t always notice them, baseboards can get very dirty if you don’t take the time to clean them.

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Rental Properties: Hiring a Cleaning Company

Valet Maids Dallas Spray Bottle

Rental properties can be a great source of passive income. That said, they do come with a smorgasbord of responsibilities, warns One of them is ensuring the rental property is clean at all times.

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How to Quickly Clean Your Bathroom: All You Should Know

Valet Maids Bathroom Cleaning

Sometimes quickly cleaning your bathroom is necessary. There are many reasons why you might not have the time to thoroughly clean your bathroom. Maybe you forgot to clean it earlier, and you have important guests coming soon. Perhaps some unexpected event has messed up your schedule. Otherwise, maybe you just don’t want to spend hours cleaning.

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Let Us Handle The Cleaning For You In Dallas

Valet Maids Cleaning

Let us handle the cleaning. Cleaning won’t kill you, but why take the chance. Easily book your cleaning at or by calling 214-438-4804. Valet Maids is a Dallas maid service that gives you your time back for the things that you enjoy.

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8 Tips To Keep Your Carpet Looking New in Your Home

Valet Maids Carpet

Whether you have just installed a new carpet or you have one that’s a few years old, it’s important to take good care of it. The better care you take of your carpet, the longer it will last. These tips are perfect if you have a new carpet and are starting from fresh.

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Do You Need A Property Manager For Your Rental Property?

Valet Maids Dallas

Renting out a residential property (with a property manager) can be an excellent way to bring in additional income. At the same time, the responsibilities that come along with being a landlord can be taxing. Not only will you need to put time and money into maintaining the property, but you’ll also have to handle finding/screening tenants, filling vacancies, collecting rent, and everything in between.

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Top Five Ways to Get Clutter Out of Your Home

Get rid of clutter

Life in Dallas gets busy and it can be challenging to continually corral clutter. You can ignore it for a while, but soon, the house will be cluttered and messy. It can be so overwhelming that you may have no idea even where to start. Don’t worry! We’ve got 5 simple tips that will help you start down the path to a chaos and clutter-free life.

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Airbnb Tips: Four Fabulous Ways to Increase Your Bookings

Airbnb Valet Maids

Okay. You’ve decided to join the share market and do Airbnb. You’ve bought new linens, new pillows, and new wall pictures. You’ve taken photos of the rooms, published your ad, and now you’re waiting for those bookings to flow in. Except, it’s been a few weeks since you published your listing and still no guests. You ask yourself “Am I doing something wrong?”

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Top Things For You to Do in Victory Park in Dallas

Overlooked for many years, Victory Park has come into its own and truly come alive. This unique neighborhood is known for its proximity to professional sports and live entertainment. If you’ll be visiting Dallas in the near future, be sure to set aside a day or two to immerse yourself in this little gem. From…

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Designer Secrets For Turning Up The Style In Every Room in Dallas

Often, homeowners get tired of their current design styles and want to make a change that doesn’t require much effort, time or expense. Consider utilizing these designer secrets for turning up the style in every room throughout your home. Top interior designers recommend choosing a design theme and main furniture pieces that are timeless in appearance to suit any era but will remain relevant for today’s fashion conscious consumers.

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Easy Tips To Create Wonderful Curb Appeal in Dallas

Curb appeal is essential. If you’re selling a home, you’ll want to entice buyers from the moment they see your property. If you are planning to live in your home for as long as you can, you’ll want to make it as appealing as possible. It’s possible to make any home stand out and look fabulous. Think carefully about all the details of the house from every single angle. A few basic changes can create easy, long-lasting results you’ll love.

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5 Ways To Be More Energy Efficient in Dallas

Keeping your home clean is necessary to make it more comfortable to live. A neat and clean house is essential for the health and wellness of your family. As a homeowner, cleaning your home every day such as sweeping the floor, washing the dishes, and keeping things organized is ideal for achieving a more pleasant and relaxing environment.

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Simple And Easy Home Cleaning Tips That You Need To Know

For people who do not have time off from their busy schedule and time to clean their home, then cleaning of the home and working on other tasks at home can be overwhelming. Most of the people coming home from a stressful day at work make them spend their time lazing around without any craving to do some cleaning work at home. After your busy weekdays when you come home makes you feel terrible to find a messy house. To make the task easy, you can schedule or divide chores over several days. So it is time to do home cleaning.

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How To Find The Best Prices for a Cleaning Service in Dallas

Dallas Maid Service

If you are looking to have your home cleaned by a professional company, one of the primary factors in your search will be the price of their services in Dallas. While price is important, it is secondary to getting the right cleaning company for your needs. It does little good to pay a company that does not do good work or lacks other important requirements when better services are available. In finding the best house cleaning prices, you must first make sure that the company you hire can do the job right.

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The Differences Between Antibacterial Soap vs. Regular Soap

When you shop for soap, you’ve probably noticed that some hand soap is labeled as “antibacterial,” whereas some are not. Have you ever wondered about the differences between regular soap and antibacterial soap? Both can be used to effectively wash and disinfect your hands (as well as other surfaces), but there are actually some notable differences between these two types of soap in terms of the ingredients they contain and how they work.

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Why Is Mattress Cleaning So Important For Your Home And Health

Even if you are cleaning your house well, you could be missing one crucial area that affects your indoor air quality: your mattress. Nightly, our bodies make about half a liter of sweat and discard almost a gram of skin. Your mattress can quickly become home to fungal spores, bacteria, and dust mites that feed in your own shed skin.

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5 Kitchen Improvement Ideas To Refresh Your Kitchen

When it comes to the homes of people, usually they’ll be perfectly satisfied with what they’ve originally gone with—especially if they had a hand at designing it all. That being said, nothing is perfect, and you’ll always have room for improvement.

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Complete Guide To Favor Tipping Etiquette

These days, it seems as though you can get just about anything delivered straight to your door—and in many cases, you can get what you want without much of a wait. From grocery delivery to restaurant food delivery, and even housekeeping services, there are plenty of options available to you that can save you a lot of time and hassle.

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Airbnb Dallas Rules And Regulations: What You Need To Know

It’s no secret that the demand for vacation rentals and other short-term rentals in Dallas is sky-high. After all, Dallas is one of the biggest business travel destinations in the world. Not only can Dallas hotels be expensive, but availability may be limited—causing many travelers to turn to services like Airbnb to find rentals. Many travelers also feel as though an Airbnb (or similar) rental provides a more authentic experience than a hotel.

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What is the History Of The Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuums are a household cleaning appliance that we tend to take for granted. More than likely, you have at least one vacuum cleaner in your home for removing dirt/debris from your rugs and carpeting. You might even have a smaller and portable hand vacuum or a wet/dry vacuum (such as a ShopVac) for added convenience.

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Magic Erasers: How Do They Work and How Can You Use Them?

If you’ve ever used a “magic eraser” around your home, then you know just how effective they can be in removing stains, dirt, and grime from all kinds of surfaces. But have you ever taken the time to really consider how these amazing little sponges work? By having a better understanding of how magic erasers work and the best ways to use them, you can make the most of your purchase.

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How To Use Your Oven Cleaner For Effective Results

While scrubbing your oven can be an overwhelming task, there are many reasons to keep your oven clean. A clean oven can make baking more efficient because small pieces of burnt food in an oven can absorb the heat, which makes your oven less efficient. Even if you have a self-cleaning oven, it is still necessary to give it a good scrub every now and then. In fact, the self-cleaning feature with these ovens can cause carbon monoxide buildup and even respiratory problems.

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6 Ways To Keep Glass Windows in Your Home Rust Free

Before contacting window replacement companies regarding your windows being damaged because of rust, you might want to make an effort to do the repairs on your own. There are a lot of ways you can remove them with interesting things at home.

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A Complete Guide To Tipping Your Movers in Dallas

It’s no secret that moving can be costly. This is especially true if you’re moving a long distance or if you have a lot of belongings to transport from point A to point B. For many people who are planning a move, however, hiring a team of professional movers can be some of the best money spent. When you hire movers, you can enjoy the convenience and peace of mind that comes with having experienced professionals handling your furniture, boxes, and other heavy items. Meanwhile, you don’t need to lift a finger on moving day!

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Steam Mop Not Steaming: How To Fix It If Blocked

Your steam mop is not steam production, what could be wrong for this? There are many things that can stop your steam cleaner’s work, but before you throw it down, you should know that in most cases such a problem can be solved and I’m trying to show you that.

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A Simple Guide To Cleaning Your Pillows and Bedding

When was the last time you cleaned your pillows? We’re talking the actual pillows themselves—not just the pillowcases. If it’s been a while or if you didn’t know you could even clean pillows, your pillows have probably seen better days. Before you run out and spend your hard-earned money on brand new pillows, however, you may want to consider washing your pillows at home. It’s easier than you think and doesn’t require much more time (or effort) than washing any other load of laundry.

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Trending DIY Cleaning Hacks That Don’t Work

Nowadays, new cleaning innovations for making life easier hit the market almost every day. This constant innovation makes today’s cleaning products and tools better than they were before. However, there are also people who get enticed by numerous hacks and tips online that promise better and easier cleaning. Most of these “helpful” tips and life hacks are not based on pure science and may cause you more harm than good in doing simple cleaning tasks.

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Everything You Need to Know About Cleaning Your Toaster

Toasters are a kitchen appliance that we tend to take for granted. They’re often used on a daily basis, yet when we take the time to clean our kitchens, rarely do we think to do anything with our toasters and toaster ovens. As a result, they may accumulate years’ worth of bread and bagel crumbs before we think to clean them or simply choose to replace them.

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How To Downsize And Organize For Seniors in Dallas

If you are approaching your golden years, you know better than anyone how your needs are changing, especially when it comes to your home. You may be considering moving closer to family, reducing the size of your living space or minimizing expenses as you transition to a fixed income.

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Simple And Easy Home Cleaning Tips in Dallas

For people who do not have time off from their busy schedule and time to clean their home, then cleaning of the home and working on other tasks at home can be overwhelming. Most of the people coming home from a stressful day at work make them spend their time lazing around without any craving to do some cleaning work at home. After your busy weekdays when you come home makes you feel terrible to find a messy house. To make the task easy, you can schedule or divide chores over several days. So it is time to do home cleaning.

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8 Tips To Transform Your Living Room Space

Your living room is the room that you often find yourself spending a lot of time in. It’s where you watch TV with your family, sit down and visit when you have company. Your living room is also probably one of the first areas that your guests will see when they enter your home.

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How to Clean Your Kitchen Sink In Just 4 Easy Steps

Maid Service Dallas

You scrub your dishes in your kitchen sink every day, but how often do you actually scour the sink itself? We tend to think of our sinks as being “clean” because they are constantly being rinsed with water (and a fair amount of dish soap too). Over time though, germs can get a foothold (did you know that it is actually dirtier than your toilet?). So now and again, you need to get serious about cleaning your kitchen sink. Otherwise, it won’t be a sanitary place to wash your dishes!

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Folding Clothes: The Life-Changing KonMari Method

If you’re trying to declutter, clean, and organize, then you’ve most likely heard of none other than Marie Kondo in recent years. Marie is the author of “The Life-changing Magic Of Tidying Up: Marie uses a Japanese art for decluttering and for organization. Using her tips and advice, she’s taken the term neat freak to social media.

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Different Ways to Get Rid of the Dust Inside Your Home in Dallas

Is your home full of dust? Plenty of people live in a home where dust is accumulating, and they do not even notice it because they are so busy doing other things. It is easy for dust to begin building up in different spots throughout the home, including the bedroom, living room, and even in the kitchen. It is not so easy to see it until the dust gets thicker and becomes much more noticeable. If you want to keep this from happening, you can do quite a few things to get rid of the dust before it has a chance to start building up even more.

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Dallas Cleaning Company: How Often Should You Book One?

We’ve all experienced it: you spend a long, hard day at work, and when you finally arrive home, you realize you still have hours of mopping and dusting ahead of you. Needless to say, the surest way to avoid this is to get a cleaning service regularly and relax while you receive unmatched home cleaning in Dallas.

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How is Professional House Cleaning Different?

It’s common knowledge that a Dallas house cleaning service is going to do a superior job cleaning your home than what you’d be able to do on your own. Career maids not only clean your house faster, but also give you the leisure time you need to focus on the stuff you truly care about.

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Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Maid Service

Finding the best cleaning company in Dallas isn’t as easy as simply searching for a reputable Dallas maid service online and booking a cleaning with the first one that pops up. You might get lucky, sure, but do you really want to risk getting a bad service that may potentially damage your belongings?

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Your First Pro Cleaning: Things You Should Know

So you’ve found your ideal home cleaners in Dallas, TX, but you’re not sure how much house cleaners charge. If this is your first time using a reliable one-day cleaning service, you’re likely to wonder about a thing or two.

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How Should You Clean Your New Place Before Moving In?

So, you’ve made the big decision to move. You’ve bought or rented a new place, packed your belongings, and mentally prepared yourself and your loved ones for the big moving day. Now all that’s left is to leave the old place and move into the new one.

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Cleaning Tips: What’s the best way to clean a dishwasher?

Maid Service Dallas

Your dishwasher is made for cleaning things, so you probably don’t think of it as something that needs to be washed. However, buildup can accumulate on the inside due to hard water or the dishwasher could start giving off a stinky smell. When that happens, you need to show your trusty kitchen sidekick a little TLC.

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How to Budget for a Home Cleaning Service in Dallas

You’re known for being on top of your game at work. All the other moms in your kids’ playgroup regularly comment on how you can do it all. You smile and take compliments from coworkers and fellow parents with ease and grace. But you’ve got a dirty secret: Your house is an absolute mess.

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Choosing Between Bagged vs. Bagless Vacuum Cleaners

When it comes to cleaning floors these days, the vacuum is often the first tool you turn to. This is the case whether you have hardwood or carpet, tile or marble flooring. But what’s the best type of vacuum for getting the job done right? Bagged vacuum cleaners or bagless vacuum cleaners?

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Should You Take Off Shoes When You Enter the House?

When you walk in the door after a long day of work or running errands, do you take your shoes off? Some people do as a matter of preference, while for others it’s a cultural norm. At the same time, many people keep their shoes on when they come home or change into a more comfortable pair to wear around the house.

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6 Things That Are Grossing Out Your House Guests

If you’ve ever hosted out-of-town friends or stayed at a relative’s house, you’re all too aware of the delicate dance that is the guest-host relationship. Specifically, hosts are expected to overlook the fact that their visitors might make pots of coffee at obscenely early hours. In exchange, guests don’t mention that some areas of the hosts’ homes are filthy.

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Cleaning Bed Pillows (More Often Than You Think!)

There’s nothing quite like sinking your face into a soft pillow at the end of a long day. But you might think twice if you could see all the unpleasantries that accumulate on your bedding – like dust mites, pet dander, hair and more.

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5 Benefits of Bed Making You’ll Love

Do you make the bed every morning? Some of us are diligent at bed making while others may grumble, “Why should I make the bed if I’m just going to unmake it this evening?” Well, if you fall in that last camp, it turns out there’s some logic behind tidying up your sleep space when you wake.

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Is it Cost Effective to Hire a Cleaning Service?

Many people have considered using professional housekeeping services but wonder whether they would be a worthwhile investment. Well, when it comes to hiring a cleaning company to help with your household chores, the “time is money” quote stands up to the test of time.

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Tips to Keeping Your Home Cleaner for Longer in Dallas

A clean house can make all the difference in the world. Coming home after long day of work to a home that is picked up and tidy can help reduce your stress and allow you to worry about one less thing each and every night. Many people have a cleaning schedule that they stick to, cleaning the home once a week to ensure their home is always looking fresh. Others may not truly know how to properly clean their home and use a cleaning company to take care of the daunting task for them.

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Tips on Finding the Best Maid Service in Dallas, Texas

Cleaning your house is a never-ending task, especially when you’re juggling your professional and home life. So you’ve decided it’s time to work around your busy schedule and find someone to make your house sparkle, and keep it that way. But you’re not looking for just anyone. You want to hire the best maid cleaning service in town. However, a reliable company that teams up only with the best maids in the business is not so easy to find.

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Common Myths About Cleaning Companies

Superior quality housecleaning service, Dallas, TX, is proud to call its own has something to say: it’s time to clear up all those popular misconceptions about housecleaning. If you think there’s no such thing as “the best house cleaning services near me” and that they’re all the same, think again!

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The Health Benefits of Cleaning Your Home Regularly

On the weekends or after a long day of work, the last thing you are likely going to want to do is clean your home. You would rather relax, grab a drink with friends, or spend time at the beach. We get it, cleaning is on the bottom of your to-do list and the last thing you want to do in your free time.

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Green Home Trends for Real Estate Agents To Watch

In design and home life, green continues to gain momentum, and it can be a lucrative niche for real estate agents. Beyond the benefits of making homes more sustainable and reducing our footprints on the world, new designs and increasing demand is making green technology, in some cases, cheaper than traditional methods. Now green is a benefit on even more levels than before. This, combined with other benefits, is making “green” more attractive than ever.

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How to Clean the Dirtiest Places in Your Home

It’s easy to see the obvious dirty spots in a home like spilled food on kitchen counters, soap scum in the shower, or a pile of dirty laundry. But what about the spots that may not look particularly dirty but are actually the ones that can affect the health of your family?

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How To Clean Your Living Room In 15 Minutes Flat

If you have guests arriving at your home in a half hour, you’ll appreciate this simple how-to about cleaning a living room in a hurry. Follow these step-by-step instructions and your living room will be neat in less than 15 minutes!

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8 Cleaning Hacks That Don’t Actually Work

Do you want to make cleaning easier and dream of the day someone or something will solve all of your messy problems? Of course you do. Today’s products and cleaning tools are so much better than they used to be with new innovations hitting the market nearly daily to make life easier.

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7 Places You’re Forgetting to Clean

When you walk into a room, it’s usually easy to see what needs to be cleaned up. There’s a pile of dirty laundry just waiting to be done; or the kitchen sink is piled with dirty dishes, pots and pans.

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10 Ways to Declutter

Many people like the idea of living in a calm and clutter-free home but don’t want to go down the all-white, minimalist route. Here are some great storage ideas that will help you stay tidy while retaining those all-important personal touches that make your place feel more like a home and less like a show…

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7 Ways to Add Warmth to a Mostly Minimalist Space

What is it about minimalism that always makes us a little weak in the knees? It doesn’t matter if it’s one of Philip Johnson’s iconic glass houses or a set from our favorite movie, there’s something about those clean lines, pared-down details and neutral color palette that makes us feel like we’re in a stylish sanctuary.

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Useful Ways to Disinfect Your Home

It is a no-brainer that germs at home are bad news. They are small living organisms that cause diseases in your body. Majorly, they include bacteria, virus, fungi, and protozoa. They are found in all kinds of places and can easily spread from one person to another if hygiene is not observed.

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How Clean is the Air in Your Home? It’s Time To Find Out!

How clean is the air in your home? This may seem like a simple question to answer but it’s not. Many people think that air pollution is something that only happens in the outdoors and when they are in their homes they are safe from air pollutants. Well, you are safe but also the air in your…

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How to Upgrade Your Bathroom Without Spending A Lot

It is possible to take your bathroom from pale to fabulous without risking bankruptcy. Often, when giving a tour of your home, the bathroom rarely gets mentioned. If it does, it’s only with an ‘it is over there ‘and you move on to showcase your kitchen. There’s nothing wrong about that. However, it is not a place to take décor shortcuts.

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5 Five-Minute Ways to Clean Your Kitchen Quickly & Easily

Is there any worse way to spend a Saturday than shopping for supplies and scrubbing a dirty oven? (We think not.) Which is why we rounded up these five easy ways to freshen up your kitchen in five minutes or less—using stuff that’s, blissfully, already in your pantry.

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The 10 Best Cleaning Tricks for Stressed-Out People

Hey, you. Yea you, with the hectic schedule and hot mess of a home to prove it. A friendly PSA: Both the physical act of cleaning and the visual reward can actually work wonders at relieving that stress you’re feeling. (Translation: Tidying up is well worth it.)

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5 Dangerous Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

When your home needs special attention, your local Dallas house cleaning service knows all the tricks and techniques to get everything back in order. In between visits, however, keeping a clean home can be a challenge.

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3 Easy Closet Organization Hacks

If your closet is cluttered and overcrowded, every morning becomes a chore. You may be unable to see exactly what clothes you have, or you may be unable to find the shirt or shoes you had been planning to wear. If you are looking to make getting ready in the mornings a bit easier, you may want to start by organizing your closet!

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A Clean Home Will Sell Much Faster

This article was originally published by the New York Times Getting your home as clean as possible “is absolutely something of the greatest importance,” said Ginger Brokaw, a senior vice president at Town Residential real estate in Manhattan. “It really does pay off. I’ve seen the response of people walking into a home that hasn’t…

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10 Ways to a Cleaner Home

Your busy routine doesn’t have to stand in the way of an active social life. However, your messy home might discourage you from extending invitations to friends and family. When you don’t have time to clean, these tips will help you create the illusion of a clean and orderly home.

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Dallas Maids: Finding the Best

Valet Maids Dallas

When your busy lifestyle starts affecting your health and happiness, you can find relief by hiring a trustworthy maid service in Dallas. Hiring a maid service in Dallas can be done through professional maid recruitment agencies or referrals depending on your requirements and preferences.

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How to Spend 48 Hours in Dallas


During a quick stopover in America’s ninth largest city you’ll happen upon world-famous art and stylish eateries before you see a pair of spurs or chaps. And like elsewhere in Texas, hearty cuisine and wide smiles come in large portions in Dallas.

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Reasons for a Dallas Home Cleaning

Reasons for a Dallas Home Cleaning

Are you living in Dallas and planning to clean your home yet you are not certain whether to hire a professional cleaner or not? If so, these crucial facts about do- it- yourself home cleaning and reasons why employing home cleaning Dallas based companies is essential will be appropriate with your plans.

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The 5 Best Laundry Hacks of All Time You Must Try Today

The 5 Best Laundry Hacks of All Time You Must Try Today

Is laundry taking over your life? Here are five ways you can reduce the time you spend sorting, washing, drying, folding, and ironing your family’s wardrobe. Keep Small Items Under Control Lost socks don’t have to be a natural byproduct of the laundry process. Instead of throwing your hosiery into the wash like all your…

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Decorating Essentials for Your Airbnb Rental

Decorating Essentials for Your Airbnb Rental

Vacation rentals like Airbnb offer home-like experiences that travelers crave. The most popular rentals have all the comforts of home, only better. Rental hosts try to create the ultimate retreat that brings guests back over and over again (after leaving fabulous reviews, of course).

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5 Reasons You Need Valet Maids to Clean Your Home

5 Reasons You Need Valet Maids to Clean Your Home

There’s a reason Valet Maids is the most reliable way to book a the best home cleaning services Dallas has to offer. The app connects you to top-rated cleaning professionals who will complete tasks around home when you’re too busy to tackle the mess. You’ll be paired with a pro that can conquer your everyday disasters, whether it’s scrubbing the bathroom tiles or cleaning the microwave that’s seen too many soup spills to count. It’s fast, convenient, and, with an app designed to be easy to use and pros available as soon as the next day.

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